Greatest hope???

It is hard to believe that spring is almost upon us – almost as hard to believe as the craziness of this winter.  Spring is a time of renewal.  It is a time of hope.  It is a time of looking ahead.  I am doing a lot of “looking ahead” these days.  My two kids, Andrew and Rebecca, were able to shadow at Westminster Catawba Christian School last week – which gave them a great picture of what the future will be like for them (and they both had great days at WCCS!).  We continue to ready our home for a timely sale – and will soon be on the hunt for a new home in Rock Hill.  I have had the privilege of talking with several WCCS faculty and staff members about the remainder of this year and next.  I have even been a part of a couple interviews for prospective faculty/staff members for the 14-15 school year.

As I look to next year, I have a lot of “hopes.”  I hope that our transition to WCCS is a smooth one – everything from the responsibilities that I will take on to my wife managing our move to our kids adjusting well to the change of schools.  I hope that God provides us with the ability to sell our home and purchase a new one in a timely fashion (we are praying for a late June move).  I hope that our family is able to transition to our new church home at Westminster Presbyterian Church.  I hope to establish strong relationships in a short period of time with the entire school community – board, faculty, staff, parents, students, alumni, grandparents, future students, etc.  And, I hope that God will see fit to use me to lead WCCS well.  While the list of “hopes” seems long, I do have what I believe to be a GREATEST HOPE.

Before I share that greatest hope, I have a favor to ask.  Would you be willing to step out and leave a REPLY to this post sharing your family’s GREATEST HOPE for WCCS in the next year.  This would go a long way in helping me get to know you better. I believe it would also get all of us thinking and hoping and praying to those ends.  All you need to do is to click on the “LEAVE A REPLY” button below.  Please share your greatest hope, and then, to help me out, list your family members and how they are connected to the school.  This will be a big step in helping me get to know more about you.

Thanks in advance for your participation.  I will follow up with my GREATEST HOPE soon.

23 thoughts on “Greatest hope???

  1. Our greatest hope is that our children be God’s Image bearers in this world, that they love the Lord with a sincere heart and they want to follow and obey Him because He first loved them. We believe that desire is cultivated in the home, extends to the church and has partnership with all the teachers and staff at Westminster. All of us shepherding the hearts of our children to understand the truth, goodness and beauty our Lord has to show us. We have five children currently enrolled at Westminster. Our oldest, Taylor, is to graduate this year. We know how important a Christian education is to their development as image bearers in this generation, and how desperate the world is to have a reason for the hope that is in us. Her wish is to spread the good news to others around the world, and that desire and love was placed their by a strong belief that He is her hope as well as ours. We pray for the upcoming school year, that the Lord may bind us all together to bear His image in Rock Hill, SC and beyond. God bless you and your sweet family during this transition.

  2. I hope for stability where it matters most. Our Lord never changes……He is always constant. No matter what disappointment or trials or unexpected change we face, He is always the same. Holy. Powerful. Trustworthy. Loving. Wise. Good. Reliable. Compassionate. Mighty.

    This is my hope for WCCS. That we are so taken by Him…..with Him….that the climate of our school reflects these attributes of Him.


    “Of old you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away, but you are the same, and your years have no end.” – Psalms 102:25

    (Our daughter, Emma, is a junior. She started WCCS as a toddler in the PMO program and has attended all the way through! We are lifer’s!)

  3. My hope for WCCS is that the “norm” for the environment will be that of stories of His greatness and His abilities. My hope is that the school culture would view a diverse population, both in staff and students, as the “norm” reflecting the Father’s image in all nationalities. My hope is that academic rigor will increase with righteous rigor leading. My hope is that ALL students will understand and know their heritage and foundation in the Lord Jesus Christ and not be moved by the world’s subtle deception. My hope is that a hunger for God and His words will increase in the students that it will require the faculty’s hunger to increase also. My hope is that what we say and do with the students will encourage and direct them into the destinies that God has planned for each of them.
    I am married to Mike Littlejohn who also teaches at another Christian school and may substitute here when available. We have four children and three grandchildren (another one on the way). I am the ESL teacher for grades 9-12. My classes are ESL Bible and Language (for first year students only), as well as ESL Writing for the continuing students.
    I’m excited about what God has in store for WCCS.

  4. My greatest hope is that no student would graduate from our school without truly knowing Christ and feeling His leading in his/her life.
    Ethan–graduates in 2 1/2 months!
    Natalie–7th grader
    Bob and Sue–thankful parents

  5. These are my greatest hopes as I had difficulty choosing only one. I hope the leadership transition will be smooth and unite our community in fulfilling the vision of WCCS. I hope we will be more effective in training up the next generation to be Godly leaders that influence the world for Jesus Christ. I hope that every member of the school community will experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I hope that God will bring more families to WCCS who are committed to Christian education and value the benefits of training up their children in a biblical worldview.

    Sandi Jolly – Westminster Campus Principal
    Clete Jolly – Committed advocate and former WCCS parent
    Elizabeth Jolly – Class of 2002
    Aaron Jolly – Class of 2004
    Nathan Jolly – Class of 2006

  6. This is my second year as a high school math teacher at WCCS. I also have 4 children attending the school, ranging from 4-K to 6th grade. Two hopes I have for next year are:
    1. That we develop a deeper partnership between parents, faculty and staff…one in which each group feels valued and supported as we all strive to educate our students and influence them for Christ
    2. That we uphold a high academic standard, aligning our curriculum from K-12, and providing instruction and opportunities that allow our students to reach their highest academic potential

  7. My family’s GREATEST HOPE for WCCS in the next year is that God would continue to bless our school by bringing more families and staff to us that have a shared love for Christ. As a result of the increased numbers, we can continue to grow and shine in the community (for God’s glory alone) as a school that not only educates students, but helps EACH ONE of them INDIVIDUALLY hone in on the path that God has prepared for them. Then when they leave WCCS for further study, military or whatever they choose, it will be a choice done with confidence because it was a direction revealed to them by God Himself working through our teachers, staff, fellow students and WCCS families!!

  8. I hope and pray that Jesus Christ would be glorified in and through WCCS. I pray that my students and parents would see Christ working in my life. I pray that WCCS would be a unified school community that is a testimony to the grace of God! I have two children who were blessed to graduate from WCCS. My husband is pastor of Olivet PCA in McConnells.

  9. My hope is that WCCS is seen as a place where students can reach their greatest God-given potential through Christian education. I hope WCCS continues to be a safe place where open conversations are held about God and His plan for their lives. I hope that first and foremost, our children come to know the Lord and that they have a heart for others to do the same. I am the Business Assistant. My husband, Ken, and I have one son at WCSS, Seth. He has been here since the 3 year old program (with the exception of part of his 3rd grade year when we were in CA and we homeschooled before returning to SC where we reenrolled him in March of his 3rd grade year).

  10. I don’t know about my greatest hope, but I know my greatest joy next year will be seeing my oldest son graduate from WCCS.

  11. I have three children at WCCS; 7th grade, 4th grade, and 3K. I am now so pleased to have a committed and godly leader who understands ‎ Christian education the way it began at WPC over 35 years ago. My hope and prayer is that WPC and WCCS will draw closer as we seek to provide the finest in CHRISTIAN education for our children.

  12. My greatest hope is for the students, teachers, staff and parents to respect and honor God. If we have God on the throne, then we will naturally respect each other. We will be known in Rock Hill as a community of academic excellence( for all ability levels) and love.

  13. My greatest hope is that WCCS will be come a strong Christian voice in the community. People will know our school as one where love and unity prevail among faculty, staff, parents, and students. A place where God’s word transforms us and conforms us to the image of Christ. That our school will send forth students who are rooted and grounded in the truth so that they can make an impact where ever they are. I teach kindergarten and it has been my privilege to teach my grandchildren and the students entrusted to my care in an atmosphere where I can bring God’s word to bear on everything that happens in the classroom. I am looking forward to a great year in 2014-2015.

  14. My greatest hope for the upcoming school year is to watch the seeds I have sewn into my two ESL students start to really blossom and grow. This has been their first year in an American school, and my first year as a teacher, so we have started this journey together. I’m excited to see how God will lead us into many more victories next year!

  15. My hope and prayer is that our Lord and Savior continues to draw all of us (fac/staff and students) closer to Himself and as a result we grow closer to each other. I hope and pray that we will not only be a shining light within our walls but also out in our community. That more and more people will see and experience Jesus as they rub shoulders with the WCCS Family. I am a Bible teacher at the Catawba Campus. I am married to Melody and have three small children, Davis, Caedmon & Phoebe, but they are not connected to the school. We attend Hill City Church in Rock Hill.

  16. My hope is that God would use me at WCCS to shine His light in the coming year, not only to my students but to all those on campus. I have been blessed to be a blessing! I teach ESL in the Middle and High School. We are relatively new to the WCCS family and are planning to move to Rock Hill as well.

  17. My greatest hope is that the WCCS faculty, staff, students, and administrators will be filled with the power, love, and grace of the Holy Spirit. I hope that that students and faculty develop a deep love for learning and a greater love for Jesus. I hope that others in our community see how special and unique WCCS is and recognize how talented our faculty members are, and that our numbers continue to grow. I hope and pray for God’s abundant blessing on our school.

    • We have three children at WCCS, Ben (9th grade), Andrew (6th grade), and Caleb (3rd grade). All three of our boys have been at WCCS since Kindergarten, and we are so very grateful for the caring and excellent education they have received there.

  18. My greatest hope is that the rising juniors and seniors will fall deeply in love with Jesus. If this happens, it will be evident in their desire to lead the underclassmen well, be academically successful, seek His will for their futures, and glorify God in all their interactions (with peers, faculty/staff, parents, etc.).

  19. My greatest hope for WCCS is to lead students to God. We can only do this if we are Godly examples to them. I want to see WCCS grow in numbers.
    I am the Lunch Director for both campuses. My daughter graduated from WCCS in 2005. I attend Westminster Presbyterian Church.

  20. I hope that God’s Spirit blows revival into our the hearts and lives of our families, faculty and staff. I hope that that God ignites a fresh vision and passion for the transforming power of His presence and Word in our school. I hope that our children can develop their unique gifts and talents through the lens of eternity and at the same time lay aside the weights that so easily entangle all of us. I hope that we prepare them well for God’s call and the needs of the world. I hope that WCCS brings glory to God in our community through our generosity and love. I hope that you, as our incoming leader and family, will find the same support and love we have found at WCCS as you seek to please the Lord with your lives.

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