The EXCITEMENT continues…

As someone who grew up in South Florida, the ONLY school days I ever remember missing as a child were our “hurricane days.”  So, I absolutely love the snow and the snow days that often come with it!  However, I was so thankful to get the call on Thursday evening telling me that WCCS was going to return to school on Friday, 1/31, and that they would be running a regular schedule.  That simple announcement allowed me the privilege of spending a large part of the morning on the campus of the 6th-12th grade students and teachers.

The day began with faculty devotions.  I am very thankful that “Mr. B” invited me to join the devotional time and even graciously allowed me the opportunity to lead.  It was a joy to spend a few minutes in God’s Word together with the faculty who would, just a few minutes later, return to the classroom for the first time in two and a half days.  As I stated above, I think we ALL enjoy snow days, even the teachers.  But, it was both obvious and VERY encouraging to me that they were anxious to be back in their classrooms sharing the truths of the gospel with their students as they taught their specific disciplines. God has blessed WCCS by calling a wonderful faculty!

As the teachers went to work, I then had the privilege of meeting many parents at the parent reception before chapel.  I was greatly humbled to hear so many tell me that they are looking forward to seeing what God will do at WCCS in the years to come and that they were already praying for me and my family as we transition this summer.  I was particularly moved by the number of parents who introduced themselves saying that they have a child in the grade of one of my kids and that they were confident that Andrew and Rebecca will absolutely love WCCS.  Before we ended the reception, Mrs. Jane Wilson called everyone together and gave me an opportunity to address the parents.  Although I had just a few minutes, I chose to share with them my favorite Scripture passage – that I share just about every time I speak!!!  I recited 3 John 4 which reads, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  I told them that this was my heart and soul and that I was already praying for OUR children at WCCS – that they would be walking in the truth all the days of their lives.

Next, we headed to chapel.  What a wonderful experience.  Chapel began with the recognition and celebration of the Chinese New Year as a number of international students shared songs with the rest of the student body.  I was moved at the obvious connections that these students had with the rest of the student body.  WCCS is to be commended for welcoming them to your family!  Then, the worship team led a few songs.  (Note – I enjoyed telling my own children last evening that the songs that we sang in chapel at WCCS were all songs that we have sung at CDS this year!  Even that fact gave all of us another sense of confirmation that we are going to love WCCS!)  Then, it was my turn to speak.  What a blessing to address the next generation of covenant children (and young adults)!!!  After asking questions about what they want to be and do when they “grow up,” I reminded them that they have been called by God to follow Him and that this call impacts every stage of their lives – from middle school to high school to college to career to marriage to parenting to the end of their lives.  I closed the charge that Jesus gave to Peter in John 21:22 where He said, “… what is that to you, follow me!”  In essence, Jesus was reminding Peter that he should follow regardless of what the “guy next to him” is doing or thinking.  I believe we all need that charge on occasion, as we are all tempted to point to the “other guy” and use him (or her) as an excuse to not follow Jesus.

Mr. Fisher closed the chapel by encouraging the students to greet me on the way back to class.  I appreciated the gesture and wondered if any would heed the suggestion.  Then, I looked up to see a wave of students moving in my direction.  While I am confident that I will not remember their names, I will never forget their hospitality as they stood patiently in line, many by two’s or three’s (which is how teenagers line up!), to welcome me.

As I write this post, it is the morning of the first day of February, 2014.  That means that I will officially begin my work at WCCS five months (150 days!) from today.  I can honestly say that I already feel at home there, and look forward to the day when it becomes reality!

JUST AS A REMINDER, tomorrow, February 2nd, is more than just Super Bowl Sunday.  It is also the day that WCCS will be the focus of the Ministry Moment at Westminster Presbyterian Church during all three morning services.  I hope to see you there!