Thy Kingdom Come…

I have spent some time this summer studying the Sermon on the Mount as spelled out in Matthew 5-7.  It really is a remarkable passage in so many ways, which is not surprising as it is a sermon delivered by our Lord Jesus Himself!  One of the reasons for my study was to spend more time considering the concept of “kingdom” as taught in the Scriptures, particularly by Jesus Himself.  The references are both numerous and challenging.  We are told that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are poor in spirit (Matt 5:3).  We are told that our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:20).  We are instructed by Jesus Himself to pray specifically to our Heavenly Father that His kingdom would come (Matt 6:10).  We are even warned that some who call Jesus “Lord” will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt 7:21).  Each of these is convicting in its own right.  But, the one verse that I continue to wrestle with is Matthew 6:33 which states, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  The “things” refers to the needs in this life that often cause us to worry – food, clothing, shelter, and even life itself.  I am struck in my study how different this pursuit is from all that the world seems to teach – and how this affects all that we do at Westminster Catawba Christian School.

The mission of WCCS states:  “As a ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Westminster Catawba Christian School exists to educate students to bless our world as disciples of Jesus Christ.”  We are a school, so we do exist to educate – as all schools do.  BUT, the end of our education is that our students would bless others as disciples of Christ.  I believe that this closely parallels the call to seek first the kingdom of God (bless our world) and his righteousness (disciples of Christ).  This is a high and holy calling and one that should cause all of us to fall to our knees praying that God’s kingdom would come!

It is also a very challenging calling, particularly knowing the culture that our students will be called to bless.  The news reports this summer have been disheartening.  We are entering into the last months of what will most certainly be an antagonistic political season.  We are a nation divided by race and religion.  Gender dominates the headlines.  We hear of another killing or another attack almost daily.  Just imagine what the headlines will look like a decade from now – or, better yet, don’t try to imagine.  But, do think about what it will take for the next generation to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.”  It will take young men and women who have added understanding to knowledge and wisdom to understanding (very well-educated!).  They will need to be other-focused, desiring to right the wrongs in the world (bless) rather than storing up treasures for themselves.  And, they will need to live holy lives, set apart for the King and His kingdom (disciples of Christ).  They will pray, “Thy Kingdom Come,” and they will seek that kingdom with all that they have.

At WCCS, we need to prepare our students for THEIR futures.  We need to educate them in such a way that they are able to use the gifts God has given them to serve Him in any way that He calls!  We need to prepare them for kingdom work, not just for college.  We need them to be ready to pursue in college ways that God will use them post-college.  In partnership with their parents, we need to teach them what it means to bless the world, to serve others.  And, we need to point them to Christ and have no greater joy than when we see them walking in the truth as Jesus-followers.

Please pray with me to this end – that His kingdom would come, and that He would use us as instruments in His hands!!!